"Could It Really Be Possible
After All The Money You Spent
And Doing Everything You Were Told
That Your Oxyfresh Business
...The One Business In The World
You Are Determined To Have Success...
Will Still Become Just ANOTHER Failure
In Your Life... All While Your Family
Still Secretly Makes Fun Of You
Behind Your Back?" (...and you know they are)

Mike Lewitz teaches MLM training secrets to Oxyfresh distributors

Sadly, the answer is YES... but it's NOT because you're not
trying hard enough... or because your "warm market" is too small or
you don't know enough people... or even because you're not spending
enough money on 'quality' leads.  Read on to discover the
reason why the vast majority of Oxyfresh distributors
still end up unhappy, frustrated, and BROKE
with very little to show for their hard work,
buried under a mountain of credit card
debt no matter how hard they try...

...and find out how your TOP
International National Director adds 20, 30 and even more distributors
into their Oxyfresh opportunity every single week
WITHOUT ever making a list of people they know, chasing after their
friends and family, doing home-parties, or wasting a single penny on those
worthless "opportunity-seeker" leads.

From The Desk Of:  Mike Lewitz
Date:  Thursday, October 17, 2024
Subject:  How To Make Money With Oxyfresh: The Art & Science of REAL Marketing


Dear Friend and Fellow Network Marketer,

You're about to go deep inside the highly controversial world of the most successful people in Network Marketing.  After walking a long trail of tears I finally learned how the 1% made it to the top.  This is my real story.

My name is Mike Lewitz and I live in sunny Phoenix, Arizona USA.  In case you haven't heard of me, I'm a Certified International Marketer, have reached the top 1% income level in the network marketing industry and I have become one of the world's leading experts on MLM and network marketing.

You see, I failed for over TWO DECADES trying lots of different network marketing programs ...going to all the weekly meetings, traveling to the big company events, bought stacks of brochures, videos and business cards to hand out to people...

I know how it feels to work so hard only to get back so little.

WARNING: This story gets ugly.  Things get hairy and people get weird when big egos and money start flying ...especially when the stakes are about...

reaching the TOP 1% in Oxyfresh And
quitting their corporate america job forever

Actually, it's even a lot more exclusive at these levels.  But before we go further, we need to set the record straight.

We're only at the beginning of this letter and you've already seen some big claims.  And if I were you, I'd be wondering ...

is this just a bunch of hype?

If I hadn't spent 20 years to rack up over $50,000 dollars in credit card debt doing EVERYTHING my upline leaders told me to do...only to have FAILURE handed to me on a paper plate, and THEN have someone slap me awake, teach me to generate a +6 figure income, watch my bank accounts grow by multiple thousand dollar deposits at a time and kiss the Corporate America 'slave factory' Good-Bye in under 12 months ...there's NO WAY I'd believe it was possible.

Understandably, you should probably be very skeptical right now.

So, let me put your mind at ease: I'm going to pull back the curtain right now and show you exactly how this happened...

here's the "back story" behind the success of top
leaders in network marketing and Oxyfresh

Let's begin.

First of all, I did NOT figure all of this out on my own.

Since I've never been mistaken as a genius, I paid a pro to teach me everything.  Sure, I applied the knowledge, stopped doing what my upline was telling me and did the work before I started to make money, but in terms of figuring it all out, it took me several months of dedication before I made my first $10,000 month.

What happened was... years ago, when I first learned the truth about the MLM business opportunity I was in, I was in disbelief - especially after all the "supposed" networker training they said they provided.

You see, I had discovered that our leaders aren't teaching how to make you and me successful.  They're only teaching things that make themselves and the company successful using some lesser-known principles of marketing and proven mathematics.

...It's where they KNOW most people will eventually drop out, but 16.3% are likely to continue using the products... so they make a TON of money.

Now, before we start fueling evil conspiracy theories, there are perfectly legitimate reasons why this happens ...and it's not such a bad thing when you understand the whole picture.  It's a business model that's proven to work ...at least, for them (just not you and me).


However, you MUST understand when I say:

If you're struggling to get Oxyfresh distributors...  it is NOT your fault.

Oxyfresh: The 'Perfect' business opportunity ...right?

Let's see if I got this right...

When you first joined your Oxyfresh opportunity as an Independent Distributor, you couldn't sleep that night because you were so excited!  They said they had a system that worked and it was easy.  Your leaders probably told you the Oxyfresh business approach was to make a list of 50 to 100 friends and family, hand out Oxyfresh brochures, pamphlets, CD's and DVD's to everyone within 3 feet of you and get them to the Oxyfresh website, invite people over to your Oxyfresh home party every week ...I'll bet you've put out 100's of Oxyfresh flyers... and your upline promised they'd show you how to approach people about Oxyfresh and even close the first few into your downline for you to get you going...

"Just get them on the phone and do a 3-way with me and I'll talk to them."

You probably got your very own oxyfresh.com website with the full back office so you could "manage your business easier," maybe even ordered some fancy Oxyfresh business cards - after all...you gotta look professional, you memorized the entire Oxyfresh compensation plan and a flawless Oxyfresh presentation, heard dozens of Oxyfresh testimonials, and now you know it's ONLY a matter of time before you finally quit your day job and go down to the dealership to plop down a thick wad of cash on that hot new sports car you've had your eye on for so long... saying those beautiful magic words...

"No thanks, Mr. Car Salesman.  I don't need financing... I'm paying cash!"

Should I even mention the "dream house"?

Maybe you even thought you'd get a head start and bought some "bargain" Oxyfresh opportunity leads.  (Did they have that 'special deal' for some HOT biz-op leads ...just for YOU?  Let me guess... today only, right?)

One person told me she paid as much as $20.00 per lead, for 1,000 leads (yes, she paid $20,000) that we're supposed to be extra special, only to recruit... NOBODY!  I mean, who's actually getting rich in this business?

And, after all your hard work and the money you've invested trying to figure out how to make money with Oxyfresh... and you STILL don't earn that $5,000 a month.

Heck, at this point, you'd probably settle for an extra $5,000 a YEAR!  Right??

You probably thought you'd have a LOT more distributors in your Oxyfresh business by now, didn't you?  And you probably thought you'd have a basement full of Oxyfresh MLM leads from your Oxyfresh.com website.  ...Sure you did.  (Don't feel bad... because I did, too.)

Do I Have Your ATTENTION Yet About Oxyfresh ?!?

Look, this is BIG business.

You gotta wake up to reality if you want to make it BIG in the network marketing game...

Now, I know you didn't come here today to have your dreams of making big money in Oxyfresh flushed down the toilet.

But, let's face it... we BOTH know I've hit a few of your sensitive buttons.
(People have called me in TEARS because they know I'm speaking the pure truth.)

In fact, in accordance with US Federal law requirements, even the company's publically available documents PROVE that well over 90% of all Oxyfresh "income-earning" distributors (people who are actually trying to work the business) earn LESS than $750 ...per YEAR from their Oxyfresh business!! (well, only for those who actually GET any income at all -that does NOT include the thousands and thousands who NEVER earn a single penny).

Are you kidding me ?!!

Uh, that's FAR below poverty level in MY country.

I thought they said this was a REAL business where you can make a real living... you know, that whole thing about “You're in business 'For yourself but not by yourself' ” and how it's a “Great opportunity”??  What happend to that part?

Looking at the numbers it seems more like something to keep you busy until you file bankruptcy.

...and if Oxyfresh won't readily provide you with their 'Income Disclosure Statement' ask why not.
Ask yourself: "What is the company trying to hide?"

(...psst... they don't want you to find out that what they are teaching you
has been documented for over 60 years to not work for most to make money with Oxyfresh)

go ahead... I DOUBLE-DOG DARE YOU !!!!!
check the facts for yourself -PROVE I'm lying
(you can't)

Now, I must legally disclose that I have personally never been affiliated with Oxyfresh in any way.

However, I have worked with a number of Oxyfresh distributors, and I know you came here today because deep down your GUT is telling you that that the 'Big Dogs' who are making HUGE incomes are doing something very different than what they're telling you to do.

You know they're not bugging their friends and family every day...begging them to 'look at a great opportunity,' they're not out putting flyers everywhere in their neighborhood, they're not holding a home-party in their home every Tuesday night for their friends and neighbors...and it's unlikely you'll find them sitting in the audience of a hotel meeting with some new hopeful they dragged along.

What you DO know is that somebody ...somewhere... knows what REALLY works for HUGE MLM business growth and you're looking for some straight answers.  After all, Oxyfresh truly is a great company with high integrity and, yes, there are some people who are making LOTS and LOTS of money with the Oxyfresh opprotunity.

...so, why not YOU ?

back then: where my MLM success story began...

A small newspaper ad (I thought was a job offer) was how I first discovered network marketing many years ago.  When I first met up at that McDonald's with the guy who would become my sponsor in my first MLM company, he proceeded to ask me questions like "Do you know a lot of people?" and "Are you interested in making a lot of money?" and "When do you want to retire?" ...that sort of thing, and told me about this great product from this amazing company I never heard of.

Back then, I got really impressed when he threw around fancy words like 'critical mass' and 'momentum' and talked about how this company was 'perfectly positioned' and the 'critical timing' for the opportunity for massive growth and I needed to act right now if I wanted to be a part of it

Well, of course I wanted it... I wasn't stupid.

He said all I had to do was buy a case of the product (remember- this was back about 1989...before 'auto-ship' and the Internet), make a list of 50 people that I knew, sell the products to just a few people on that list (should be easy for such a *great* product - after all, he said, "the product sells itself - just get people to try it"), and then just get 2 or 3 people to talk with him, and he would help me sponsor them.  Then, I would just teach 2 or 3 people to do the same and, within about 6 months to a year, I'd be making around $7,000 per month.  That's it!

Well, you can imagine how excited I got when he explained how easy it was.  He seemed to be doing pretty well and since I was only 18 years old at the time, who was I to question him - I certainly didn't know anything about marketing, but I was OBVIOUSLY a pretty sharp kid and everything he said made perfect sense.

...So I jumped in.

MLM 'Not-So' success story...

It eventually ended with LOTS of credit card debt ...and nothing else.  I was frustrated, confused, and felt like I was a failure.  I made excuses and told other people (and myself) that I just wasn't working it hard enough... and totally envious (dare I admit...maybe even resentful?) of the people who were making huge money while I just clapped for them as they walked across the stage every time.

So much for an MLM success story, huh?


Sound anything like your Oxyfresh success story?


Over the years of trying to make something ...anything... of each different MLM business I tried, I did everything my upline leaders said to do ...but I just created more credit card debt going to fancy conventions, training programs, buying flyers, expensive opt-in leads, and those supposedly "turn-key" websites that generated lots of monthly fees, but never a huge downline.

I've given out so many business cards and put out so many fliers in malls, on cars, and at the community colleges, even a super-computer couldn't count them all.

Once I had this brilliant idea and put fliers all around my huge apartment complex inviting people to come to my 'home party,' thinking, "Wow - what a great idea.  Somebody will come for sure!  This is going to be great!"  I was so excited!!


...and nobody showed up.


I sat alone in my tiny studio apartment that evening eating a whole box of those damned, 'super-healthy nutrition bars' ...in tears, because I couldn't afford to go to the store to buy 'regular food.'

By 2005, I lost my marriage, filed bankruptcy for OVER $50,000.00 (all consumer debt -no home), and was only a few dollars away from being homeless.  I became very depressed about life.

This was nowhere near the path I was assured I would be walking by doing what I was told by my upline.  It's not like I didn't work VERY hard, because I honestly did.

Does any of this sound even REMOTELY familiar to your Oxyfresh success story?

i used to believe...
"i'm just not working hard enough"

My upline would tell me to just keep doing the same thing.  "Stick to the system."  (have you heard this one, too?)

I've been laughed at so many times, I probably could've made more money as a comedian.

Eventually, I started noticing a few things ...while the top leaders in my MLM company upline were on stage telling me to do one thing, THEY seemed to be doing things DIFFERENT.


So, as I was being taught what actually works, I started paying closer attention and asked myself things like...

Where were THEIR friends and family?  What about THEIR 3-foot circle?  Their websites were different -VERY different than the one the company gave me.  Plus, they weren't putting out any fliers or inviting people over to their homes.  And, even if they sponsored EVERY single person on their list of 100 people (which would be impossible), where did they find all those 100's and 1000's of OTHER people?!

And if the website they sold me was really so great and going to build my business and "all I had to do" was just send people to it (like they told me), why didn't the company just do it for themselves... and what did they need ME for?  And, of course, the web site didn't perform like they said it would - maybe that's WHY they didn't use it for themselves, either.  Hmmm...

Have you experienced this same kind of so-called "Oxyfresh training," too?

When I began using my brain, things just didn't seem to add up like they did back when I was 18.

I actually got pissed when I realized...

My Failure In MLM Was NOT My FAULT!

Apparently, even though the leaders in my MLM company were teaching me what to do, they were not teaching me what THEY were doing.

For example, I discovered there was actually NO way I could ever become successful chasing people down and talking to them one-on-one, because I needed to meet (and give my full 'pitch' to) over 30 NEW people every single day, 365 days a year, for YEARS.

Mathematically, this was impossible, even if I lived to be 400 years old.

I guess they just forgot to mention that on all those MLM training calls or those expensive annual conventions I attended.

Hmmm...  Maybe that's why (as I later discovered), statistically, over 95% of every person in every MLM and network marketing opportunity earn an average of only $110 per year?  Mathematically, that means, for every person who earns about $600 a year, about 4 more people are earning exactly ZERO.  This is published industry data and varies only slightly from one company to the next.


Did they use any of those clever marketing phrases to get you all excited, like...

Crital Mass?     Perfectly Positioned?     Timing Is Everything?

Duplication?                 “Pre-Launch”

Momentum Phase?         The Perfect Product?

Ground Floor Opportunity?

The Product Sell Itself?

...these catchy marketing phrases have NOTHING to do
with your success in Oxyfresh.

Zip.      Nadda.      Zero.

The company could make BILLIONS ...but that doesn't mean you'll ever earn one penny.  On the flip side, you can become very wealthy with a company that's doing so-so.

So, I realized that I needed to figure out how to attract people to ME ...and LOTS of them - THIS was the key, and it's exactly how the top 1% were doing it!  (Apparently, most people have NO clue how to do this -I sure didn't.)  So, the only way you will earn 7 or even 6-figures with Oxyfresh (or any business for that matter), you must discover a way to attract people to you by 20, 30, even 50 or more NEW people every single DAY asking you about your Oxyfresh opportunity.  That's the ONLY way to reach enough people in a short period of time.

At first, I didn't have a clue how to attract distributors to me.  I didn't even think it was actually possible.

"Attract people to ME about MY opportunity??  Yeah, right..."

I said, "C'mon -get real."

Yes, it took me a while to learn how to successfully attract people (it's not so easy at first), but, now, I NEVER bug my friends and family, or say to a waitress, "Hey, I've got an opportunity I'd like to show you..."  Blah!  I only use my list of friends and family for Christmas cards (which I'm not too good at, either).  And, I stopped buying those expensive "magic" opportunity-seeker leads.  Besides, all they ever say is, "How much does it cost?" and hang up.  (...and I haven't been to a hotel meeting in YEARS).

Your Oxyfresh business opportunity works EXACTLY the same way!  Understand and master these concepts using the Art & Science of Marketing (just like Pepsi, McDonald's, Microsoft, and many other giants) and I GUARANTEE you will be sipping mai tai's in the Caribbean along with Bill Gates (and the other top International National Directors in Oxyfresh), I PROMISE!!

Despite all the gloom and doom I've shown, making 6-figures in Oxyfresh your first year is VERY realistic, but ONLY when you understand and APPLY the principles of PROVEN marketing techniques into Oxyfresh!

...And for Heaven's sake, please STOP trying to recruit your friends & family into your Oxyfresh business!  PLEASE!!!  IT DOES NOT WORK!

Begging and trying to 'convince' people is NOT the way to grow your Oxyfresh business or Oxyfresh downline (or ANY business).  Wal-Mart doesn't BEG people to shop with them or pass out flyers.  They ATTRACT people to shop with them.  So why are you begging people and trying to 'convince' them to do business with you and passing out Oxyfresh flyers?! With the proper skills that honestly anyone CAN possess, you will discover many ways to ATTRACT people to you in Oxyfresh.

I know what you're thinking...and, NO, it's not different.  It's the same exact principle how all the International National Directors in Oxyfresh got to where they are.  You must get very clear on this or you will NEVER have success in Oxyfresh.

These Incredible Techniques Are Outlined In Your Industry Secrets F R E E Report Compiled For You...
To Help You Build Your Oxyfresh Downline Like Crazy.


"FINALLY, It's YOUR turn to make money in Oxyfresh!"

Because of the turbo-charged information contained in this Report, I now have people who want to do business with me before I ever even make contact with them.  Your Oxyfresh upline DOES NOT want you to have your hands on this life-changing information (this will make more sense when you read it).  It's time to make money with your Oxyfresh opportunity.

There's over 30 years of marketing experience and expertise.  This report has helped to generate more than $20 MILLION DOLLARS in less than 5 years!!

your sneak peek of what you can expect:

  1. Exposes why the recruiting techniques taught by almost every upline leader in even the top MLM businesses will NEVER work over 90% of the time.
  2. Discover 3 TOP SECRETS why 3-way calling and working your "warm market" list will lead you to the +95% failure rate in the MLM industry.  (...And SECRETLY USE this confidential information to EASILY rise you to the top of your Oxyfresh opportunity.)
  3. Reveals the single most important ingredient that's essential to success in your Oxyfresh business opportunity (and currently missing) that can have you adding distributors to your downline faster than a greyhound on steroids!
  4. You will discover that you AREN'T crazy, and success IS out there for ANYONE who wants to make money as a Oxyfresh distributor so you can write your own Oxyfresh success story.

PLUS: Many Oxyfresh Success "MYTHS" Are EXPOSED...

You are not going to get information like this from Oxyfresh.

Don't get confused.  These MLM training techniques actually DO work very well for a VERY SMALL percentage of people in the MLM industry (like, about .08% -yes, that's POINT zero eight).

But they didn't work for ME, or the documented 99.4% of Network Marketers that eventually fail.  These tactics work for Oxyfresh "the COMPANY" and their "BIG DOG" International National Directors... you know, the ones on stage and in the limelight.

The Leaders In Oxyfresh Will Never Tell You The TRUTH About Exactly How They Got To The Top

Sure, they'll inspire you, encourage you, and even do what they can ...but 9 times out of 10, they won't teach you how to build your business the EXACT same way they built theirs.

Why?  Two reasons...

  1. They came into this business from another company and already had a "book of clients" or a down-line and they just swung them over.

This happens ALL THE TIME!!!  Open any MLM company-specific magazine and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.  BAM!  ...Out of nowhere this person just appears with their picture at the top of the list.

Do YOU have a downline already of thousands of people?  NO?  Well then you can scratch that strategy off your list.

  1. They are absolutely terrified to teach you what they REALLY did to grow their business because it would expose the fact that they are using YOU to line thier pockets.

What you're being taught is manual grunt work marketing that makes them money ...NOT you.  If you get wise, they wouldn't have their happy worker-bee putting them in profit every month.


Ask the "Top Money Earner" who they used for 3-way calls when he got started.  ...did he call the CEO with EVERY new prospect they had?

No, he (or she) didn't.

Now, am I saying that companies like Oxyfresh and the BIG DOG Oxyfresh International National Directors and networkers are evil and lying or there's some big 'conspiracy theory' here?

No, absolutely NOT!

Some of the nicest and highest integrity people that I've ever known are in MLM and Oxyfresh is an excellent company with high integrity that genuinely wants to make the world a better place.  However, Oxyfresh has a business to run, and that is getting lots and lots of products or services into the hands of consumers.  For YOU to become successful and make money in Oxyfresh, you must get the proper MLM training and learn true and PROVEN principles of marketing.

Marketing is both an Art and a Science... and Oxyfresh is NOT teaching you the true art and science of marketing to attract lots of new distributors to you - that's just plain and simple fact.

Chasing people down is NOT marketing.  Using 'positioning' techniques to attract people TO you for your Oxyfresh business is.  ...and learn to attract GREAT people!  The RIGHT people!

Anyway... you'll read all about how to grow your Oxyfresh business faster in your FREE Report.

This report is PROVEN to have helped many make money with Oxyfresh and...

Tahitian Noni  •  Arbonne International  •  Herbalife  •  BioPro  •  Amway  •  Jafra  •  Fruta Vida  • Prepaid Legal  •  Nikken  •  Shaklee  •  New Quest  •  Ameriplan  •  Mary Kay  •  Health Thru Nutrition  •  Mannatech  •  Usana  •  Melaleuca  •  Take Shape  •  Legacy  •  Watkins  •  World Financial Group  •  DHS Club  •  Fuel Freedom International  •  Body Wise  •  Vitamark  •  Ignite  •  Limu Company  •  SMC  •  Natural Body Care  •  Xango  •  Xooma Mai  • ACN  •  Pharmanex  •  Life Force  •  Goji  •  MonaVie

(...and countless other network marketing companies I don't have space to mention here...)

You Need Serious Oxyfresh MLM Training...
But, Will You Do It "Someday?"

'Someday' is the battle cry of the week.  When you say 'someday,' you're saying: "I don't want to put myself out right now."  ...So, then, WHEN do you want to put yourself out to start making serious money in Oxyfresh and stop working for someone else and get out of the rat race and for how much longer do you want to continue doing all the things that will NEVER work to make you successful in your Oxyfresh business?

Let's face it, when you know what you're doing, making 6-figures your first year in Oxyfresh isn't that hard.  This isn't 'get-rich' hype, it's FACT.  That may seem like a lot of money to you, but $100,000 is barely scraping by to a 'real' business.  Start thinking like a REAL business, because Oxyfresh is a REAL business.

Knowing how to sell Oxyfresh is nowhere near as affective as knowing how to create a message based on what other people are looking for so they start looking for you.

So, if you won't or didn't make at LEAST $100,000 your first year in Oxyfresh, wake up because YOU ARE DOING EVERYTHING ALL WRONG!

If you want to be successfull selling Oxyfresh, then you need to...

STOP Wasting Time RESEARCHING Oxyfresh 'Tricks'

You Must Start Applying MARKETING Principles To Have Oxyfresh Success

Ever notice how the people who gotta 'research' everything or 'think about it' are always BROKE?
(There's a proven connection, but I won't go into it here.)

And STOP trying to figure out the Oxyfresh 'tricks' or 'how to approach strangers' or talk to and 'CONVINCE people' to join Oxyfresh.  That is the road to failure in Oxyfresh.  (It hasn't worked well yet, right?)

Learn to work your Oxyfresh business opportunity the CORRECT way.

Just learn proven marketing principles.  THAT is the 'trick' to Oxyfresh success.


Here's the deal... I truly have a passion for helping others and sharing information that has changed MANY lives in Oxyfresh, but... unfortunately, there is NO "quick fix" or a "magic" MLM lead that will compel perfect strangers to suddenly join you in Oxyfresh just because you called or have some clever message on your voicemail that says something like "Thanks for responding to our national advertising campaign..."  (and, seriously, if you have one of these messages, PLEASE ERASE IT NOW, and if your upline told you to put it there, send them to this Oxyfresh MLM website).

Since I'm only ONE person, I simply do not have the time to help every Oxyfresh distributor that asks for help with MLM training.  So, I'm VERY selective who I work with - I only work with those who are deserving of my time.  Maybe the time is right for you... maybe it's not.  But, I only work with those who I feel are SERIOUS about their networker training and turbocharging their Oxyfresh MLM business and have decided to make money NOW in Oxyfresh.

If you are somebody who has to "think about it"... then you haven't decided to make money now with Oxyfresh.  Please don't waste my time and I won't waste yours.

WARNING:  This powerful information of PROVEN marketing concepts is NOT for the "hobby" Oxyfresh distributor, eternal pessimist, or curiosity seekers wanting to make a couple extra bucks on the weekend.  It WILL require SEROUS, consistent effort and time into learning and applying time-tested marketing concepts into Oxyfresh.

"After racking up $45,000 in credit card debt and still not being able to crack the $1000 per month mark in my business, I realized it was time to stop applying those silly techniques and find sound marketing strategies and principles.

...in less than 6 months, I've been able to go full-time in my home-based business.  I have successfully generated over $30,000+ in profits...  Thank you...for allowing me...to practice this incredible process called 'The Art and Science of Marketing'."

-Kraig W.

"Would You Love To REALLY Believe In Yourself?"

Will you grasp all the concepts the 1st night?  Probably not even in the first week.  So, my personal contact information is in the FREE report.  My time is very valuable.  I can only help 10 new people at a time to MASTER their Oxyfresh business opportunity with proper MLM training and write their Oxyfresh success stories.  YOU can be one ONLY if YOU  possess ALL 3 of the KEY INGREDIENTS that anyone who is SERIOUS (not curious) about paying off that 2nd mortgage and making a +6-figure income from home with Oxyfresh in the next 12 months must possess (they're in the FREE Report).

Making 6-figures in your first year in Oxyfresh (or any MLM and Network Marketing business) is VERY realistic ...IF you understand the Art & Science of Marketing.  But, once my 10 MLM training slots are filled, I do not have time for anyone else.  If you're number 11, I apologize in advance, try me again in a few weeks.  So, fill out the form below RIGHT NOW to get your FREE copy today while it's still free, as my peer group is encouraging me to put a price on this info.

Claim Your FREE Report Right NOW!


"MLM Ultra-Secrets - REVEALED!"


Have your copy emailed to you NOW:


I take your privacy VERY seriously.  All of your information is ALWAYS kept 100% confidential.  Your personal information will NEVER be rented, sold, or shared with anyone for any reason.  Your information will ONLY be used to help you with your MLM business.   I hate SPAM too!  (and I report all SPAM)

Please ONLY fill out this form if you have the integrity to fill it out completely and honestly.

Click HERE To Read Your Copy NOW