A Blueprint To Achieve Results With Certainty

Are the tools and the knowledge you obtain enough to reach the success you want?  Well, sorta.

Actually, no.

People tell me all the time that the reason why they’re not successful is because they’re not spending enough time doing it or working hard enough.


Increasing your effort is not the way to achieve results.  If that was the case, we’d all be rich beyond our wildest dreams because almost everyone is working hard.  Hard work is not the shortcut to success.

You’ve probably seen or heard me say that there is no shortcut to success.  The reason why there is no shortcut to success is because success only occurs in the mind.

Here’s an illustration: When people get involved in a business opportunity, the reason why over 95% fail is because they are too focused on the end results for the sake of the result itself and hoping they’ll reach them.  Then, when those results don’t happen in a reasonable amount of time, people get frustrated and begin to look for something else.

Instead of focusing on only the finish line (ie: making a million dollars, driving a Ferrari, etc) and hoping the dream will become real, it’s important to envision the entire process in your mind over and over and see through to reaching that finish line to the point of CERTAINTY.

Watch this video with Tony Robbins, Frank Kern and John Reese because it is an excellent blueprint on how you can achieve anything you want with certainty. This is a game changer.

NOTE: In case you’re unfamiliar with these two Internet marketing legends, Frank Kern orchestrated the largest product launch in Internet history …generating $18.3 Million in 24 hours ($7 Million the first hour) on October 29, 2006, and John Reese is the FIRST person to earn $1 Million in 18 hours on the Internet with a new product on August 17, 2004, known among many as the ‘Million Dollar Day.’

[flowplayer src=”http://mlmultrasecrets.com/images/video1d_small.mp4″]

Visualize taking the right action …then do it.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last.
Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” -Zig Ziglar

“A person’s bank balance is directly proportional to how quickly he implements an idea. Spend more time implementing than ‘thinking’.” – Eben Pagan

Please share this with others.

Mike Lewitz
Phoenix, AZ USA

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Mike Lewitz is a professional marketer and international speaker who has helped thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners across the globe create abundance in their business through practical, proven marketing techniques. Mike holds two Bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration and Marketing from the University of Phoenix and is currently working on an MBA at Western International University.

This article may be freely distributed, copied and shared with acknowledgment.

3 Replies to “A Blueprint To Achieve Results With Certainty”

  1. Awesome video, now I need another answer and help to my own problem which is this, I don’t have a problem believing in my potential and having certainty, I struggle with, ‘should I succeed’ I have a religious component to myself that get’s in the way.

  2. Hi Valerie -people often confuse success and the desire for great success with greed. If your desire for success is centered around selfish motives, to simply acquire material possessions for your own admiration and to have people look up to you because of your stature, then yes, you will live an unfulfilled life.

    Many associate success exclusively with money, suggesting people who have a lot of money are “successful.” Nothing could be further from the truth. You must deeply evaluate your personal definition about money and success. I don’t consider myself religious, although I certainly have a deep enough spiritual understanding that religion’s objective is to ‘show you the path’ to a virtuous and abundant life, a life in which you are able to give unlimited value to others. This is my definition of success.

    While some religious beliefs practice a lifestyle without money and material possessions, these individuals are absolutely not without success.

    Consider my role… The more I learn and the more successful I become, the more I’m able to contribute to lives like yours, which, in turn, you will use that to contribute to others, and the cycle continues. I believe it is our spiritual responsibility to become as successful and we can, whatever it takes.

    There’s a spiritual law that says each member of a species must work to perpetuate the species, and the members who do not contribute will be withdrawn. This is why we’re taught rules like ‘do unto others’ and ‘give and receive.’

    Ultimately, even those who do work to become successful only for greed and material possessions and live an unfulfilled life, after they leave this physical plane (whatever you believe that to be), all their material possessions and accumulated money will eventually still go to benefit others. It’s just a spiritual law.

    Mike Lewitz

  3. Spend more time implementing than thinking. I couldn’t say it better myself. Your success in your business should be predictable. You need to be efficient and effective, all at the same time. I use sound marketing principles to reach my target market and I have a great follow up system via my autoresponder. I don’t do meetings or meet with people face to face. Just my two cents.


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